tenet (ten' it), noun: a principle, doctrine, or belief held as truth

Welcome to my blog! Here I will share some of my thoughts on horn playing and teaching, which I think about a lot, and maybe some other things, too. Since my job (which thankfully, allows me to do a lot of playing and teaching) keeps me very busy, as does my wonderful family, I may not write frequently. My goal will be quality, not quantity!

Please share your comments.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

5 Days in the Life

     Tonight I will conclude a busy 5-day stretch that demonstrates what makes my job hectic at times, but also exemplifies one of the aspects I love about my job: the opportunity to perform and make music in a variety of settings. Here are the highlights...

Friday, Dec. 2:
 - teach Music Appreciation, 2 lessons, rehearsal for upcoming performance
 - conduct the WCU Horn Choir in Christmas carols in Dillsboro, NC
 - Horn Studio party at my house!

Saturday, Dec. 3: 
 - SMBQ concert in Highlands, NC

Sunday, Dec. 4:
 - church, lunch, hurry home to change clothes and head out to...
 - conduct the WCU Horn Choir and play with the SMBQ in WCU's Sounds of the Season concert.

Monday, Dec. 5:
 - teach Music Appreciation, Horn Choir rehearsal, 1 lesson, chamber music rehearsal
 - conduct the Horn Choir in the Brass Ensembles Recital

Tuesday, Dec. 6:
 - teach 2 lessons, lots of office work
 - perform a Mozart octet with a faculty/student ensemble

     That's 5 different performances on 5 consecutive days, both conducting and playing! It can really be challenging to balance all the different aspects of my job: teaching, conducting, rehearsing, performing, committees, correspondence, etc. It takes a lot of organization, planning ahead, and then living in the moment - focusing on the current task without being distracted by "what's next." I greatly enjoy my job, but I'll be glad to spend more time at home tomorrow night with my family! And in about 10 more days, my responsibilities at the university will be wrapped up until next year!

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