tenet (ten' it), noun: a principle, doctrine, or belief held as truth

Welcome to my blog! Here I will share some of my thoughts on horn playing and teaching, which I think about a lot, and maybe some other things, too. Since my job (which thankfully, allows me to do a lot of playing and teaching) keeps me very busy, as does my wonderful family, I may not write frequently. My goal will be quality, not quantity!

Please share your comments.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Power of Yielding

     The idea of yielding is a powerful image for me in many areas of life, but it also has applications in horn playing.  I first came across this idea in college, in the book Thinking Body, Dancing Mind, by Chungliang al Huang and Jerry Lynch.  To me, this book is right up there with The Inner Game of Tennis on the list of must-haves for performing musicians.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

SMBQ China Tour 2010

     This has been a record-setting year for me, as far as travel is concerned.  I just got a passport for the first time back in the Fall, and now I've been to Argentina and China in the past 3 months!
     The SMBQ had a 2-week tour of China from April 27th - May 10th.  I couldn't possibly relate all the amazing experiences we had in this blog - I don't know where to begin!  I think I'm still processing it myself, in some ways.  Looking back at the pictures, it's hard to believe that we lived all those great moments.